Statewide Abuse and Neglect Hotline 800-522-3511
About CASA of Northeast Oklahoma
Headquartered in Claremore, Oklahoma, CASA of Northeast Oklahoma is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization organized under the Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) and is the only provider of court appointed special advocate services in the 11th, 12th, and 13th judicial districts of Oklahoma.
CASA of Northeast Oklahoma adheres to the National CASA Association Core Model and Guiding Principles. This includes providing screened, trained, and qualified community court appointed special advocate volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children and youth (age birth to 18 years of age) who are before the court as a result of abuse or neglect as defined by Oklahoma Statutes Title 10A (the Oklahoma Children’s Code), living at home or in out-of-home care. CASA of Northeast Oklahoma operates in alignment with the mission and standards of the National CASA Association.
Our service area includes Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Ottawa, Rogers, and Washington counties in Oklahoma. We also provide CASA services to the Shawnee Tribe.
The mission of CASA of Northeast Oklahoma is to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in district and tribal courts in northeast Oklahoma. We promote and support quality volunteer representation for children to provide each child with a safe, permanent, and nurturing home.
For more information about CASA of Northeast Oklahoma, call us at (918) 923-7276 or email us at